Google+ CNI Health: August 2012

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Johns Hopkins School of Medicine students invent app that checks your symptoms

Called Symcat, (symptoms-based, computer-assisted triage) the app allows the user to enter in various ailments such as a fever, cough, swelling etc. and receive an instant diagnosis.

The app is currently available through their website, or can be accessed via an Android beta app. A version for the iPhone and other Apple products is said to be in the works.

The link to the is:

Below is an earlier youtube presentation.

Friday, August 17, 2012

Development of a tool for evaluating obstacles to a return to work of workers with mental disorders, called Diagnosis of the work handicap situation (DWHS).

Mental health problems are increasing in companies. And even if we know better how to prevent them, little is being done to facilitate the return to work of affected people. A reduction in the symptoms associated with these disorders has no impact on a return to work, as indicated by recent studies.
This tends to confirm that the disability associated with such a state of health constitutes a complex multifactorial phenomenon. Few investigations have specifically evaluated the predictive factors and the obstacles to the resumption of occupational activities in these cases. The research team, by basing itself on a proven approach, will develop a tool for evaluating obstacles to a return to work of workers with mental disorders, called Diagnosis of the work handicap situation (DWHS). The prototype of the DWHS thus produced will be based on evidence, and the feasibility of its use in a return-to-work process will be tested. This tool is a first in this field and can be used by clinicians and researchers who interact with workers absent from work due to a mental health problem.
Free download at:

Monday, August 06, 2012

Auto Insurance: A claimant's status as an employed person does not, in itself, establish that the claimant is ineligible for non-earner benefits

In its July 24 decision in Galdamez v. Allstate Insurance Co. of Canada, the Court of Appeal overturned the motions judge's finding that the plaintiff couldn't qualify for non-earner benefits because she was working, regardless of whether or not she had a complete inability to carry on a normal life. For more information click the link below.