Google+ CNI Health: February 2014

Thursday, February 06, 2014

Workshop and Coaching

The combinations of measures and methodologies used in the development of vocational diagnoses and prognoses, in formulating residual earning capacity and in pinpointing labour market access will be thoroughly explored and practiced.

1. Testing procedures
2. Occupational Classification Analysis
3. Presenting findings and answering referral questions
4. Report formatting

Target cases: Auto insurance (OCF-18 based or IE), Tort cases, Family Law, LTD.

The workshop will be of interest to:
1. Psychometricians, MA Psych.

2. Clinical Psychologists who wish to expand their service delivery system in the psychovocational assessments field

3. Social Workers, Occupational Therapists and Kinesiologists who are looking to include vocational assessments in their practice.
